Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Filming - practice shots

When doing my first lot of filming, things didn't go as well as I thought it would. Due to injury I was on crutches, meaning I couldn't do the filming to the standard that I wanted to (I couldn't film from the above high angles like I wanted to). Because of this I didn't manage to film all of my video. However I did want to use this footage for a draft, however in another accident I lost the memory card and although I had transferred all of my files to my memory stick they were in the wrong format, meaning they would not transfer to the programme used to create music videos. 
The following shots are examples of some of the filming I completed, which I am now using as test shots. 

All of these shots were not as smooth as I hoped they would be. To improve on these shots the next time I film I will make sure that I practice tilting the camera on the tripod so it goes slower and smoother. 

I do like these shots so I will try to replicate these shots, however the next time I film them I will film them both with a red background and white background, so I have the chose of the two. 

Again I do like this shot, so the next time I film it I will try and improve the lighting and tidy the up-do hair. 

These two shots I think do need improving. The actual acting is just how I wanted it to be, however the setting is not how I wanted it. When re-shooting this shot I will change the background to the white wall, which will hopefully make some improvement. 

Monday, 16 December 2013

Ancillary text planning 
Magazine advert draft 

These are drafts I made of magazine adverts, using Photoshop and Google images. As you can see they all feature a medium shot of a model, with a main color scheme of 3 colors (pink, black and white; red and white; black, white and burgundy). My plans also feature a small featurette advertising the CD on iTunes, this is because online downloading has become one of the most popular ways to purchase music, so by advertising this on my advert it makes my advert more realistic. All of the adverts also feature ratings from some of the most popular magazines that feature indie pop music, by featuring these on my advert I am showing my audience that the CD is highly appreciated in the industry. 
Ancillary Text Planning 
Full digipak draft 

I have used the CD cover template available on Disc Wizards to plan out the draft of my ancillary text. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Ancillary text planning 
Magazine advert 

Above are some magazine adverts of upcoming albums that I like. All of which feature one single image of the artist, mainly medium close ups, which I like as they make the artist the main focus. I particularly like the Delilah album magazine advert, as I think it is very different and almost unconventional. However I also like the way the Ellie Goulding advert incorporates the glitter into her hair, almost to the point where it looks natural. 

Friday, 29 November 2013


This is the anamatric for my music video to give me a brief outline of what I want to do when filming my video. I have done this by making quick sketches of the different shots on my a story board. 

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Health & Safety

Ancillary text planning

Above are 3 PhotoShop drafts of my ancillary text (digipak). I have used google images to create these drafts, meaning I could find pictures where the models are doing the poses I want my model to do. I have tried to create three different digipaks in order to have a full range to choose from. As you can see the first one is very girly, the second is girly yet quite sophisticated and the third one is very edgy. All of these different styles suit the genre and ideology of my music video. 
Album Name Title Ideas

All of these ideas are title names that I am considering for the name of my album. They all suit the genre and ideology of my music video. 
The cast of my video

The person that I have cast for the lead role in my video is one of my best friends, Lucia. I have known Lucia all my life, therefore picking her was an easy decision as I know that we are comfortable around each other. I also knew that Lucia would be the best person to be the lead role in my music video as she is a performer. She studies dance full time at Hull College and also enjoys to act, meaning she is very comfortable in front of a camera. 

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Audience theory
Reception theory

The reception theory states that the audience are an active audience who are engaged in understanding the preferred message of a media text. The theory states that there are three different types of audiences: preferred, negotiated and oppositional, and the way the audiences interpret the message encoded by the producer depends on the life experiences, mood at the time of viewing, age, culture, beliefs and gender of the audience. 
1. The theory starts with the producer of the media text encoding the text with a message to convey to a mass audience. The message that I (as the producer) have encoded into my media text is that the media (and men) see women as being very unstable, however the end of my video shows that women can play up to this image and often act more outrageous then they actually are to attract attention from the media. 
2. The message is then decoded by the audience. The preferred audience will interpret the message of the producer exactly how they wanted it to be interpreted. The negotiated audience will both agree and disagree with the message of the music video, for example they could agree that women can manipulate their own image to influence the opinions of the media, however they could disagree with the reason that they manipulate their own image for the medias opinion. The oppositional audience will completely disagree with the preferred reading of the producer, they could believe that artists do not choose to manipulate their own image, however it is the media that manipulates them.

An example of an oppositional audience misinterpreting a message would be in the case of Lady Gaga's meat dress:

Gaga intended the audience to interpret the message of her dress as supporting peoples right to fight for what they believe in, in particularly for her, her distaste for the US military's don't-ask-don't-tell policy. However her audience became oppositional and interpreted her message as fighting against animal cruelty. 

Monday, 11 November 2013

Theory that relates to my music video

In some ways my music video could relate to Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze. Mulvey states that women in music videos are represented the way men see women. In most music videos this theory is used to make women look like sexual objects, e.g: 
Robin Thicke - Blurred Lines 
Christina Aguilera - Dirrty 
50 Cent

However I think my music video will show the 'male gaze' in a different way. Instead of showing the main character (female) of my music video as being a sexual object I am instead showing her as the way some men also think of women in a negative way, for example I will show her as being: manipulative, money orientated and unstable
Result of blog poll 

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Ancillary Text Planning 
Back of CD Cover

This is a photoshop draft of the back cover of my CD digipak. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Ancillary Text Planning
Album front cover 

Above are some album covers by female artists that I really like. As you can see all of them are close up shots which is the shot I wish to use for my album cover. However I think the one in the middle is very different, as it incorporates a medium shot with a close up shot. I also like the Christina Aguilera album cover (bottom left) as it is very different, however I do not think it will suit the ideology behind my song. I do however think the Madonna album cover (bottom right) will suit the ideology behind the song of my music video, as it is like a painted picture with heavy makeup - which could imply that the music industry has conducted her to be something she is not. 

Above are three photoshop plans of my ancillary text, front covers. 

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Friday, 27 September 2013

Initial Ideas 

Initial idea 1:
My first idea is to have quite a strange main character, although she is a teenager/young adult she seems very childish. She will be shown playing with dolls, being controlling and all together being quite strange. The video will also show her being an out of control teen, dressing slutty and being a ’21st century whore’. It will show the different sides of different teenagers, making her seem very unstable.

Initial idea 2:

My second idea would be about a girl that dreams that she has the party life style. The full video will show her going out getting drunk with her friends, and the conventional ‘wild’ teenager. However when she wakes up at the end you realise that she dreamt it all because she lives in the middle of no where and her parents treat her like a young child, so she is imaging the life that she wants. 

Monday, 23 September 2013

A2 Coursework Brief 

A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with;

 • a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package).

 • a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package). 

Monday, 24 June 2013


Above are all of the costumes worn in the official music video, as we did not have all of the exact costumes we did have to improvise. Below are these costumes sketched out by Leah.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Prop List 

The props we will need to use are: 

Hair Brush 
Note Pad

Mobile Phone 

As there are only two people on the original music video we were able to use people in our team as the actors. Leah (head of mise-en-scene) played the main female in the video. Charlie (head of story boarding) played the main boy in the video. 

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Shooting Schedule 

This is our shooting schedule, included are the props used, the location and actors present. 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Location list

We will be filming our music video at Leah's house. Using her bedroom as the girls bedroom due to her having a green wall and white mirror like the one in the video. We will be using another room that is painted blue for the boys room. As the whole video is shot inside and outside of bedrooms these are the only locations we need. For the first establishing shot of two houses we will use houses two houses down Bricknell Avenue to film. 
Story board

First 60 seconds of Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Our team:

Vicky Harman - Team leader
Leah Haywood - Head of mise-en-scene
Charlie Hunt - Head of story boarding
James Western - Head of lyrics and edit timings

Friday, 7 June 2013

Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me 
This is the video we will be re-creating. 
In order to prepare for your A2 Media Studies coursework - the Advanced Portfolio, you need to:
- Work in a group of 3 to 4 people to plan and produce a reconstruction of a minute of an excisting music video.
- Set up an individual A2 coursework blog and choose your coursework brief.
- Gather and evidence research into the conventions of your chosen brief over the summer starting with codes from conventions of your media form with examples, and also the genre of the text you intend to produce. (i.e. Music Video conventions and rock conventions as an example).